Data Capture

The paperless office – will it happen?

Over recent years we have seen an invasion of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices – all of which make every day work operations much simpler. This advanced technology, coupled with highly secure digital storage methods (both in-office and remote based) should lead to entirely paper-free operations – but many companies are still struggling to achieve the paperless office – why is this?

It could well be that some businesses don’t fully understand how digital operations work – or worry that unless a document is filed away in paper form, it isn’t valid. This simply isn’t the case – even highly sensitive legal documentation can be stored securely online – and data capture companies ensure full legal compliance during the scanning process. Another concern is ‘losing’ online data – however, all digital data is backed-up, so it is in fact safer than its paper counterpart!

The paperless office isn’t simply a pie in the sky idea – many forward-thinking companies are already very close to achieving it – and they are seeing a multitude of benefits in return, such as decreased printing and storage costs, streamlined operations and a boost in their green credentials.

So, will the paperless office happen? The answer is yes – it is happening – and with the arrival of new technologies literally every day, we should all look forward to a paper-free working environment – it’s just a matter of when.

Find out more about the paperless office in our {osdownloads download_button 2 “handy PDF – ‘Creating a paperless office'”}!