Meet The Team

Profile picture of Dajon's Managing Director Damien Andrews

Damien Andrews

Managing Director

After working in the industry in Toulouse, France, Damien returned to England to set up an Information Management company – Dajon Data Management Ltd.

Dajon has grown under Damien’s control from a Records Management and Data Protection company into a leading digital services provider, with the capability to deal with global multinational projects.

Damien’s many years of experience means he has a unique understanding of business needs and can apply this when helping organisations with their paperless transformation strategy.

Profile picture of Dajon's Chief Technology Officer Albert Tsang

Albert Tsang

Chief Technology Officer

Albert has a strong passion for IT, having worked in the industry since 1999, garnering extensive experience and knowledge, backed up by an impressive list of qualifications. Albert specialises in network and security and is renowned for reviving complex, failing and failed IT infrastructures with ease.

Outside of Dajon, Albert can often be found helping charities or spending time in The Scottish Highlands, Lake District and various other destinations in Europe.

Profile picture of Dajon team member Aida Stefan

Aida Stefan

Head of Accounts and HR

Since her arrival at Dajon in 2011, Aida has been an inspiration – tackling every challenge presented to her with professionalism and confidence.

An invaluable asset to the team – Aida undertakes all of her projects with passion and exceptional diligence.

Bianca Popescu

Project Manager

Bianca has been crucial in our mission of empowering companies to be more compliant and efficient by digitising files and going paperless.

Bianca’s meticulous attention to detail and thoroughness has led to her continual promotion and she is now in charge of all of the projects coming through the scanning suite.