Our Services

Electronic Document Management Systems

Managing documents is time-consuming. A typical employee spends nearly 40% of their time looking for information.

Managing documents is extremely time-consuming. A typical employee spends nearly 40% of their time looking for information locked in emails, documents, shared hard disks and filing cabinets. Managers spend an average of 4 weeks a year searching for or waiting on documents that have been misfiled, mislabelled or just plain lost. This is where a comprehensive electronic document management system (EDMS) can help.

Our EDMS solutions remove this headache and support your team in accomplishing their goals. Work with us today and discover how you don’t need to worry about documents getting misfiled, lost or destroyed, as it is held on a secure server forever.

Save time, space, and money with a complete EDMS solution

Our electronic document and records management provides a wide range of benefits including:

  • Get more work done by tying all of your business systems into a single, cohesive unit.
  • Bring together data, content & processes by integrating our technology with your core business systems.
  • Access the information stored in the document management system directly from within the business system you are working.
  • We offer simple, standard and custom integration support.
  • Connect with all of the core systems you depend on: SharePoint, Oracle, Great Plains, SAP and more.

Digital Mailroom for Property Management

Recent Project

Dajon helped a a well-established London Property Management company reduce their operational administration and storage costs with the judicious application of outsourced digital mailroom services.

EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) is the management of different forms of documents using computer programs and storage.

EDMS encompasses the processes and procedures your organisation uses as it relates to capturing, storing, securing and retrieving information day-to-day. For many organisations, these processes can be greatly improved with the use of dedicated electronic document and record management software.

EDM and Unified Communications

At its best, unified communications (also called “UC”) is just what it says – it enables better collaboration by unifying formerly separate modes of communication into a single, combined user experience. Email, text, and voice messaging work seamlessly with live voice, audio and video conferencing, and web collaboration, in one interface, with a “presence” notification to indicate your availability to participate. A well-executed UC platform allows organisations to effectively integrate a secure, reliable, borderless communications network into their infrastructure, generating significant cost and operational benefits.

Access to documentation and processes

This is the one key element often missing from UC. The Dajon EDM Solution is designed to bridge that gap by helping you to make properly categorised electronic documents available in a controlled, secure manner to those within your organisation who need them, no matter where they may be at the time.

  • From your mobile devices to your desktop, you can access the data and documents you need to run your business.
  • All related information is connected and tied together for one-click access.
  • With workflow automation, your content becomes a dynamic part of your business.

The hidden cost of document management

The costs associated with creating, printing and sharing documents across the business can often be difficult to quantify. Often regarded as a “hidden cost” , document management can often account for a significant proportion of operating costs. Many businesses find it difficult to accurately identify how much they are spending on document management, let alone where savings can be realised.

The Dajon EDM solution is designed to make the 5 primary components of document management – Capture, Storage, Security, Access, and Integration – simple and effective.

We also ensure that the whole team is included in the process and that no one is left out during the turnaround. The most crucial part is ensuring some degree of financial stability during the turnaround.

Have confidence your content is safe!

  • Control who sees, accesses and shares all of your information.
  • Protect your valuable business information and ensure that content is not accessible to unauthorised parties.
  • Set limits down to group, department and specific user’s, as well as restrict the viewing of particular documents or index values based on a user’s point of access

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is an electronic documents management system?
    An electronic document management system (EDMS) is a software solution designed to store, manage, and track electronic documents and images of paper-based information. EDMS provides a framework for organising and controlling documents throughout their lifecycle, from creation and review to approval and archiving. Key features of an EDMS include document capture, indexing, storage, retrieval, version control, and workflow automation. By digitising document management processes, EDMS helps organisations reduce paper usage, improve access to information, and enhance overall operational efficiency.
  • Why do you need an EDMS?
    An EDMS is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it improves document accessibility and collaboration. Team members can access documents from anywhere at any time, facilitating remote work and improving productivity. Secondly, an EDMS enhances security and compliance. It allows organisations to set access controls and audit trails, ensuring that sensitive information is protected and regulatory requirements are met. Thirdly, it streamlines document workflows, automating routine tasks like routing documents for approval or notifying users of pending actions. This reduces manual effort and minimises errors. Lastly, an EDMS supports disaster recovery by ensuring that electronic copies of documents are backed up and can be easily restored in case of data loss.
  • What is digital document management?
    Digital document management refers to the practice of using digital tools and systems to create, store, manage, and track documents electronically. This approach replaces traditional paper-based document management, offering numerous advantages such as faster document retrieval, improved collaboration, and reduced physical storage needs. Digital document management involves the use of EDMS to capture and organise documents, apply metadata for easy searching, control document versions, and automate workflows. By leveraging digital document management, organisations can achieve greater efficiency and accuracy in handling their documentation.
  • How much does an electronic document management system cost?
    The cost of an EDMS can vary widely depending on several factors, including the size of the organisation, the features required, and whether the solution is hosted on-premises or in the cloud. On average, small to medium-sized businesses can expect to pay between £5,000 and £50,000 for an EDMS, including software licenses, implementation, and training. For larger organisations with more complex needs, costs can range from £50,000 to several hundred thousand pounds. Cloud-based EDMS solutions often have subscription-based pricing models, with costs ranging from £20 to £100 per user per month, which can be more scalable and affordable for smaller organisations. Additionally, it’s important to consider ongoing maintenance and support costs when budgeting for an EDMS.
  • What is an example of EDMS?
    An example of an electronic document management system (EDMS) is Microsoft SharePoint. SharePoint offers a comprehensive suite of tools for document storage, collaboration, and management. It allows organisations to store documents in a centralised location, manage access permissions, and enable real-time collaboration among team members. Additionally, SharePoint integrates with other Microsoft Office applications, making it easier to edit, share, and manage documents within the familiar Microsoft ecosystem.