Backup and Storage

Cloud systems ‘offer extra security layer’

An expert has highlighted the extra level of security offered by cloud solutions.

Cloud systems can provide an extra layer of security for companies seeking electronic document storage, an expert has suggested.

John Dunn, security editor at technology and computing news portal Techworld, pointed out that cloud systems offer myriad levels of security due to the industry regulations involved in using the technology.

He maintained that as companies increasingly look to improve the security of their records management operations, they will purchase technological solutions that protect their sensitive data from breaches.

The security software and products companies buy and the infrastructure they are running shows that there is a real move towards actually purchasing these solutions as a service, Mr Dunn pointed out.

Cloud systems will allow firms to keep their important corporate data in a separate "electronic bubble", where is can be easily monitored.

"So all of the traffic that goes in and out of your company will come through a layer that’s run by a cloud company – it will be filtered and looked at," he said.

"There are a number of things that gives you. If you’re a bank, for example, one of the big worries is what they call ‘man in the middle’ attacks."

Mr Dunn explained that an electronic cloud layer that is in place between a company and its client base makes it much more difficult for man in the middle attacks to take place.

As well as helping to safeguard sensitive information, cloud solutions and other virtualised IT environments can also make document storage and hardware maintenance much more efficient.

If a company virtualises its IT infrastructure by moving it to a cloud, it also outsources the maintenance of its hardware to a cloud service provider.

This means that the company’s IT department has more time to devote to other pressing duties within the organisation, thereby saving time and increasing productivity.