Frequently Asked Questions

Company FAQ

  • Can you separate the document into sections?
    Yes, we can separate the document into sections. For example, if the hardcopy contains file separators, we can separate the digital files according to the separators. Another example might be a file that contains an index page or table of contents. In this instance, we could separate the scanned file based on the index. There are a few options when it comes to the format of the sectioned document:
    • Each document is presented as a single PDF, with bookmarks for the sections.
    • The document is presented as separate PDFs โ€” one for each section โ€” and the separate PDFs are collated into a subfolder.
  • Can you extract information from a document such as an invoice?
    Yes. We utilise advanced data capture software that can extract information from scanned documents. This information can include:
    • Monetary values (e.g. net, VAT, gross);
    • Supplier name;
    • VAT number;
    • Line item details (description, quantity, subtotal, etc.);
    Captured information can be pushed directly into third-party software (e.g. accounting software, ERP, CRM, EDM, etc.)
  • Can you scan paper larger than A3?
    Yes. We can scan documents up to A0 in size.
  • Can you help us go green?
    We certainly can. By going paperless, even partially, will greatly reduce your environmental impact.
  • Do we have to sort documents before we send them to you?
    It is not necessary for you to sort the documents before we receive them. The team at Dajon can perform that service on your behalf, if you require it.
  • Do we have to take the staples out?
    You do not have to remove the staples, or prepare the documents for scanning in any way. Our team of digitisation professionals will expertly remove staples, clips, bindings and do everything else required to get your documents ready for our scanning machines.
  • Can you collect from multiple locations?
    Yes, we can collect from multiple locations; either through our trusted partners or our own fleet of vehicles.
  • Can you label the documents how we want?
    Yes, we can apply labels and insert cover/header sheets to satisfy any requirements.
  • How do we get the information back once you have scanned it?
    There are several ways we can supply you with the data post-scanning, including but not limited to:
    • Transferring the data to an encrypted media device (memory stick or hard drive) and have it delivered to you.
    • Setting up a folder on our Cloud File Management platform, accessible via any modern web browser, and grant you access to download your files.
    • Setting up a folder on our SFTP server and give you access to securely transfer your files.
    • Uploading the data to your own SFTP server or cloud file storage (OneDrive, Dropbox, iCloud, etc.).
  • What do you do with the paperwork once itโ€™s scanned?
    What happens to the original paperwork post-scanning is up to you:
    • The paperwork can be stored in our warehouse;
    • The paperwork can be returned to you;
    • The paperwork can be securely destroyed.
    Our scanning process is compliant with BS10008, and digitised images are admissible in court, so you donโ€™t necessarily need to keep the hardcopies once theyโ€™re digitised.