Scan your archives

For more efficient document management and valuable office space savings

Why choose Dajon’s historical documents scanning solution?

  • Easy and Secure Access to Documents Post Scanning
  • Advanced Data Capture & Extraction
  • Documents Scanned to BS10008 standards, confirming Legal Admissibility of Electronic Information
  • 1hr retrieval of documents throughout the scanning process
  • Nationwide Collections – 365 Days a Year
  • All Images Scanned using Industry Leading Technology
  • Fast turnaround times
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Free OCR on all Scanned Documents
  • Transparent Pricing with No hidden costs

Fast, high-quality and economical historical documents scanning solution

Delivered by Dajon Data Management

Get 5% off your scanning order by contacting us today!

    Trusted to deliver by

    What our clients have to say

    We have used Dajon Data Management for the scanning of our financial records. They have carried out their work in a very efficient and cost effective manner….we highly recommend them.

    Southwark Council

    I have come to greatly appreciate Dajon’s helpful and always friendly customer service, attention to detail and efficient way of handling our archiving and scanning jobs. I am happy to recommend Dajon Data Management.

    Caxton Europe Asset Management

    Dajon provided us with a measured and cost effective solution to a problem involving historic record photographs… the digitisation was executed quickly and efficiently and we are already reaping the benefits.

    National Army Museum

    Why trust your file scanning with us?

    Tailored Service

    We provide a tailored scanning solution to meet your needs – we can digitise a large number of physical documents in a short period of time, scan large format documents or provide a scan-on-demand service. Whatever your scanning requirements are – we always aim to accommodate them!

    Highest Quality

    We use the highest quality scanners and implement the newest OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software to digitise your documents – so you can be assured that the digital documents you receive from us are of the highest quality.


    We are strong believers that our clients should come first and receive a full solution for their scanning needs. We take responsibility to help our clients digitise their documents from project creation through to completion. We also allocate a dedicated Account Manager, who is always here to help with your scanning project needs, whichever they are.

    About Dajon Data Management

    With over 75 years of combined industry experience, we strive to be the market leaders in the document management industry. We focus on being the best of breed information management provider to the business of all sizes and customised our services offering to exceed our clients’ expectations.

    Our service is always friendly, flexible and pro-active because our clients’ needs come first and we know the value of strong, trusted working relationships. Our staff, from our drivers collecting documents right through to our Managing Director live by these values. We seek frequent feedback from our clients and that’s how we know we’re delivering what they want.

    We hold ISO9001, ISO27001 and ISO14001 accreditations and follow strict BS10008 standards which are your guarantee of high-quality, secure services.

    From day one, we have found Dajon extremely helpful, courteous and understanding of our requirements. Their account managers are very efficient and, from my point of view, it’s enormously gratifying to know that our critical data is in such safe and knowledgeable hands. On the whole, the service we have received since we changed our provider has been nothing short of faultless.

    Kriss Ingram – Senior Operations Specialist at CivicArts

    After meeting with a representative from Dajon we were happy that we had found the right company. We were very satisfied with the whole project and extremely pleased with the quality of the scanning. We would like to thank all at Dajon for their excellent work.

    Dajon’s staff were particularly helpful and courteous and demonstrated a considerable understanding of the document scanning and management process. We will certainly be using their services for any future projects and are happy to recommend Dajon to any organisation requiring to outsource document scanning work.

    LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science)

    Mercer | Sirota and Dajon have partnered together on a variety of large projects, helping Sirota’s clients to implement global Employee Engagement survey programmes. As well as being responsive to our needs, they’re flexible when we need them to be which is especially important in our line of work. Dajon’s reliability helps us get the data we need in order to provide robust insights to our clients.

    Mercer | Sirota